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releasing the illusion of you

Updated: Dec 2, 2019

True change takes time. It takes courage and a willingness to step into the unknown. Sometimes a crisis demands our attention and requires us to change our ways and how we see the world. Sometimes it takes being sick and tired of being sick and tired to try something new.

And sometimes the steady nourishment of a different way of seeing allows us to break the illusion we carry of ourselves and remember that we are so much more. Perhaps it’s the memory of a prayer or dream we once had that awakens, inspires and gives us the pluck and fortitude to transform our lives.

I believe there is a force in nature that wants us to be happy, joyous and free.

We allow ourselves to forget this when we get caught up in the demands of life, family, job. It's inspiring when someone takes a leap of faith and shifts their work and relationship to the world. It does something for us all when someone breaks free of the illusion of themselves to liberate their original passion and nourish their soul's calling.

Happy. Joyous. And free.

I'd like to share some exciting changes in my life and healing practice--the result of a dream three years in the making.

As of November 1st, 2019, I'll be letting go of my current clinic space in Rhinebeck, NY to make room for the creation of a healing practice that incorporates all of my talents, passion, and training. Starting at the end of next month, my healing practice will operate out of a beautiful yurt in Staatsburg, NY.

In this space, I've already started offering collective healing experiences once a month. Please join me! These are truly transformative and profound, a combination of guided breathwork, acupuncture, meditation and sound medicine.

In the new year, I'll continue deeper healing work for individuals 1-2 days a week--integrating naturopathic medicine, acupuncture and indigenous healing techniques I've learned over the last 15 years.

Next spring I'll be unfolding an awesome apprenticeship program for 7 women (I’ll share details as this program unfolds) and a series of Ancestral Medicine and Sister Circle Workshops.

I'm excited to invite you to benefit from these new changes with me and to share so much more of what I believe true healing to be about.

~ Ongoing ~

I invite you to join me in a dedicated and (free) meditation every Wednesday at 9:30 AM EST. Here's the link to join up. This is 45 minutes of gentle guidance into pure free fall, led by myself and several other experienced meditators. It's a powerful way to dive into the experience of collective meditation. Join us. Here's the link again to connect you to weekly reminders. No experience necessary and open to anyone anywhere on the globe.

~ Cultivate Your Connection to the Whole ~

Join me for one of my monthly community healing experiences. We have space for 10 participants in a beautiful yurt near the Hudson River. You'll experience group breathwork, customized acupuncture points to help you tune-up and tune in to your inner wisdom and harmonic healing sound frequencies to provide a mainline to your heart and inner revelation.

Collective healing practices are an astonishingly powerful way to develop your inner wisdom and support transformation in your life. The co-creative dimension of group work has the potential to awaken and develop a new consciousness within ourselves and this planet. Join me in the journey of collective healing and awaken a deep inspiration to care for and experience the Whole of which We and Everything are a part.

Sunday November 24th, 2-4 PM Staatsburg, NY

Moving from I to We: Collective Healing Experience with sound, breathwork and acupuncture attunement.

Sunday December 1st, 2-4 PM Staatsburg, NY

Moving from I to We: Collective Healing Experience with sound, breathwork and acupuncture attunement.

Sunday December 15th, 2-4 PM Staatsburg, NY

Moving from I to We: Collective Healing Experience with sound, breathwork and acupuncture attunement.

P.S. Releasing the habit of being you, if even just during daily meditation, is the best way to allow enough space to spark creativity and flood yourself with new inspiration and ideas. If you know someone who could use a little more creativity in their life or who needs support finding a new direction, please share this.

P.P.S If you'd like to schedule an appointment or phone consult with me, click here. I'll be seeing patients on Wednesdays beginning in December.

With love,

Dr Kelly


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