This time it feels different. Those of us who're leaning into the transformational changes our children are yearning for are feeling the turning of the tides. We've been dialoguing and praying and writing and meditating (a lot!) about dis-member-ment, the dis-member-ing of our bodies and of our families. The dismemberment of our relationships, our institutions and of our nation.
We carry the weight and result of the dis-member-ment and disconnection from Nature and from all our relations. And we're coming face to face, on a much larger scale than ever before, with the reality of the dismemberment of our own society. #metoo, #blacklivesmatter #whitenationalism #hatecrimes #1619 #honorthetreaties and so many more.... It's all on the table now. What are we doing? Who are we being? How are we going to commit with a strong back and open heart and sustain that commitment? How will we practice love for ourselves, for others and for our seeming opponents? In times of turbulence and uprising, whether that turbulence is on the inside in the form of depression, anxiety and chronic illness or on the outside in the form of violence, prejudice, mass shootings, hate crimes....I've trained myself to ask these questions. How would you act if you were an angel? What would you say if you were an angel? How would you reach out if you were an angel? I think of the fierce angels and the archangels, the angel protectors and the angels of compassion, joy and laughter. I think of the moments in the Bible or in Creation myths from around the world when those angels, or deities or animal spirits or goddesses showed up, to give us strength, fortitude, and encouragement. To infuse us with spiritual or physical endurance. We need those myths now. We need the spiritual upgrade we receive from prayer, ceremony and ritual. We need the old ways to remind us that we've been through dark times before, and that our ancestors were warriors and magicians and sages. We need our plant allies, our medicines, our Joy, and our integral connection to nature, to Aliveness, to make the transformations that need to be made. It's a time to invite in Spiritual guidance. It's a time of Reciprocity. It's a time to make Reparations. To repair the harm that has been done. May we all be part of repairing the harm that has been done. May we honor our ancestors, our elders, and our children. May we seek each other out and receive each other with nourishment and kind words. May we see others who look different, who speak differently, who act differently, with curiosity. May we lean into the Unknown, the Great Mystery, to what is uncertain, with courage and a commitment to do the next right thing. May All be invited to the Table. May All be allowed to Speak. May All of Us breathe and hold each other and listen and Re-Member. You are the part of me I do not yet know. We have so much to learn from each other. With love and solidarity, Dr Kelly Jennings
How would you act if you were an angel? What would you say if you were an angel? How would you reach out if you were an angel?
Please share your comments below.